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Title: Deflection and Stress Resultants of Composite Hypar Shell Roofs Under Point Load and Complex Boundary Conditions
Authors: SAHOO, Sarmila
Keywords: Article
Composite hypar shell,
bending behaviour
critical boundary condition
concentrated load
finite element analysis
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: IJSCE
Series/Report no.: Volume 4;Issue 2;
Abstract: An eight noded doubly curved shell bending element is used in the present analysis having five degrees of freedom per node. The stiffness matrix is derived following the conventional method of minimization of potential energy and a lumped load vector is adopted. Benchmark problems are solved taking vibration problems of twisted plates. Numerical experiments are conducted taking six boundary conditions and eight stacking sequences of graphite epoxy composite. Results of static deflection and moment resultants are furnished and analysed to understand the relative efficiencies of two or more shell options having different boundary conditions and laminations.
Appears in Collections:Civil Engineering (Publications)

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